OOP Python Templating Engine.

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Tempy REPR

Another way to use TemPy is to define a nested TempyREPR subclass inside your own classes.

You can think the TempyREPR nested class as a __repr__ magic method equivalent: TemPy uses the TempyREPR nested class to represent objects just like Python uses the __repr__ method.

When an object is placed inside a tree TemPy searches for a TempyREPR class inside this object, if it’s found, the repr method of this class is used as a template. The TempyREPR.repr method accepts self as the only argument, with a little magic this self is both your object and the tree element, so the TemPy API is available and your object attributes are accessible using self.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo = 'foo'
        self.bar = 'bar'
        self.link = 'www.foobar.com'

    class Div(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
            # When a MyClass is placed inside a <div> tag, we add 2 other divs inside with some of our MyClass instance values

    class HtmlREPR(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
            # We can use HtmlREPR as a fallback for html representation

    class A(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
            # note: This TempyREPR will be used when placing an instance of MyClass inside a Tempy A instance
            # self here will be the instance of MyClass but using the TemPy api we can modify the parent <a> tag
            self.parent.attrs['href'] = self.link
            self('Link to ', self.bar)

    class Td(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
            # we define a custom representation when a MyClass is placed inside a <td>

    class HomePage(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
            # HomePage is supposed to be the name of the TemPy root used to rendere the home page
            # when a MyClass is placed anywhere inside the home page this repr will be used
            # note: here self is the object's parent, not the root
            self('Hello World, this is bar: ', self.bar)

my_instance = MyClass()

Div()(my_instance).render()  # my_instance is rendered using Div(TempyREPR) nested class

A()(my_instance).render()  # my_instance is rendered using A(TempyREPR) nested class

my_list = [MyClass() for _ in range 10]
Table()(Tr()(Td()(instance)) for instance in my_class_list).render()  # Td(TempyREPR) is used.

class HomePage(Html): pass

).render()  # my_instance is rendered using HomePage(TempyREPR) nested class

You can define several TempyREPR nested classes, TemPy will search for a TempyREPR subclass following this priority order:

  1. a TempyREPR subclass with the same name of his TemPy container
  2. a TempyREPR subclass with the same name of his TemPy container’s root
  3. a TempyREPR subclass named HtmlREPR
  4. the first TempyREPR found.
  5. if none of the previous if found, the object will be rendered calling his __str__ method

You can use this order to set different renderings for different situation/pages. Here is an example of how TempyREPR would work with SQLAlchemy models:

from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, String, Integer, ForeignKey, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()

class Department(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'department'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    class HtmlREPR(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):

class Employee(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'employee'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    hired_on = Column(DateTime, default=func.now())
    department_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('department.id'))
    department = relationship(
    class Table(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):

    class EmployeePage(TempyREPR):
        def repr(self):
                    Div()('Name: ', self.name),
                    Div()('Department: ', self.department),

Adding one or more TempyREPR into your models will provide the ability to just put instances of those models inside the DOM directly, and they will be rendered according to they’re location.

So making a table of employees will be very easy:

from tempy.tags import Table
employees_table = Table()(Employee.query.all())

And making a employee page will be easy as well:

from tempy.widgest import TempyPage
page = TempyPage().body(Employee.query.first())