OOP Python Templating Engine.

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This project is maintained by Hrabal

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Using TemPy Instances

TemPy object can be created and asssembled in a tree, each TemPy object can be used later inside another TemPy object.

# --- file: base_elements.py
from tempy.tags import Div, Img, Ul, Li, A
from somewhere import links, foot_imgs
# define some common blocks
header = Div(klass='header')(title=Div()('My website'), logo=Img(src='img.png'))
menu = Div(klass='menu')(Ul()((Li()(A(href=link)) for link in links))
footer = Div(klass='coolFooterClass')(Img(src=img) for img in foot_imgs)
# --- file: pages.py
from tempy.tags import Html, Head, Body
from base_elements import header, menu, footer

# import the common blocks and use them inside your page
home_page = Html()(Head(), body=Body()(header, menu, content='Hello world.', footer=footer))
content_page = Html()(Head(), body=Body()(header, menu, Content('header'), Content('content'), footer=footer))
# --- file: my_controller.py
from tempy.elements import Content
from tempy.tags import Div
from pages import home_page, content_page

def my_home_controller(url='/'):
    return home_page.render()

def my_content_controller(url='/content'):
    header = Div()('This is my header!')
    content = "Hi, I'm a content"
    return content_page.render(header=header, content=content)

Static parts of pages can be created once an then used in different pages. Blocks can be created and imported as normal Python objects.